We understand that finding the right therapist is an important step. Our westside office is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, WA, in the 33rd Place Building. We’ve created a welcoming and accessible space to support your healing journey.
Vancouver EMDR Therapy
West Side Office
3305 Main St #109, Vancouver, WA 98663
When you arrive, we invite you to relax in our comfortable waiting room, where your therapist will greet you at your scheduled appointment time.
Our office is ADA accessible, located on the ground floor, and offers ample off-street parking for your convenience.
Let’s connect!
We understand that finding the right therapist is an important step. That’s why we offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to help you decide if we’re the right fit for your needs. Scheduling is easy—just click the “Let’s Chat” button on our website to book your consultation online through Simple Practice.
Please do not share any confidential or sensitive medical information in our contact form or by email.
Please note that e-mail is not a secure or confidential means of communicating, so the privacy of communication cannot be guaranteed. E-mail is reserved for basic questions and scheduling; if you would like to discuss other issues or have an urgent matter, please contact us by phone.
Please do not use email to cancel a appointment less than 24 hours or for emergencies.