Recover from Addiction

Addictions and Trauma Go Together

Research shows that the number of traumatic events in a persons life and chronic stress correlates with a higher likelihood of addictive behaviors. In fact, adults who were physically, sexually abused or neglected as children are five times more likely to develop addictions then their non abused peers.

Early life experiences programs the brain and body for their environment. Stress becomes trauma only when it comes in “doses” that are too large or too unpredictable or too sustained over which the person has little or no control. Addictive behaviors and substances act as a soothing mechanism for the brain.

We help clients with addictions to substances as well as behavioral “impulse control” addictions such as; sex addiction, shopping addiction, food addiction and more.


“Not why the addiction but why the pain.”

Gabor Maté


We meet clients “where they are at” and support their desire for recovery or to minimize the harm of their addiction on their life by using the “Harm Reduction Model.”

EMDR therapy for addiction is helpful as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. EMDR therapy helps to process the trauma which feeds the addiction. It can also be used to target cravings, urges, triggers and relapses.  As part of a comprehensive treatment plan EMDR therapy can be combined with other supportive approaches such as: 12 Steps programs, Neurofeedback, mindfulness, meditation as well as medication management. Clients do not need to be sober to benefit by EMDR therapy.

Our therapists use special EMDR Addiction Protocols (DeTUR, Cravex and Feeling State Addiction Protocol) to help stabilize the client and their addiction. Once clients are more emotionally regulated then we work with them to process the trauma underneath the addiction.

Here are the steps we take to support our clients with addictions:


Our therapists take a thorough history of the clients addiction and trauma background. We access their readiness for change and identify their support system. We then work together to develop internal and external resources that they can draw from for grounding this includes: education and exploration of emotions and body sensations.


With the client we help them to develop a Relapse Prevention Plan and enhance a visual of a “sober self” or of a “self exhibiting less harm.”


We use special EMDR Addiction Protocols (DeTUR, Cravex and FSAP) to help stabilize the client and their addiction. Once clients are more emotionally regulated then we work with them to process the trauma underneath the addiction.


We assist the client in developing new skills and ways of being in the world.  We help our clarinets to integrate their new learning about themselves and the world around them and help them to navigate change.




Whether you are seeking full recovery or reducing the harmful effects of addition on your life EMDR therapy can play a critical role. EMDR helps client to use their “life skills” versus their “survival skills.” It desensitizes triggers, urges and cravings. And puts out the fires of underlying trauma. It helps you to take your recovery “one step at a time” and to know that change is possible for you!