June 24, 2016

Veterans and EMDR Therapy

As we celebrate Memorial Day we remember those men and women who have lost their lives serving in the armed forces. But we also feel gratitude to those who survived. Sometimes surviving a military experience can be very difficult. The startle response, nightmares, anger and survivor guilt are just a few of the symptoms that can remain once combat experiences are over.

Statistics show that 10% of Desert Storm veterans, 11% of Afghanistan veterans, 20% of Iraqi veterans and 30% of Vietnam veterans have PTSD. EMDR therapy is extremely effective in treating PTSD from military trauma. In fact, EMDR is an “A” rated (strongly recommended) treatment for military related PTSD. (VA/DoD Practice Guidelines for the Management of Post-Traumatic Stress, 2010). Check out this link to learn more about how EMDR can help treat Vets.

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