Culturally Competent Resources for First Responders

Our First Responder such as police, firefighters, 911/Dispatch Operators, EMT’s and Veterans/Military deserve our best care. In order to provide high quality and specialized care those that treat Fisrt Responders need to be culturally competent. Cultural competency goes beyond knowing the basics of the job description. It means spending years working with this population, taking […]


Complex Trauma- What is It?

Complex PTSD Complex Trauma can also be referred to Complex PTSD (C-PTSD), relational trauma or developmental trauma. Complex PTSD is a result of exposure to repeated or prolonged instances or multiple forms of interpersonal trauma. Escape is not possible due to the age of the victim, psychological or financial constraints or social control. Some examples […]


Types of Bilateral Stimulation for EMDR Therapy

Eye, Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a standard method for treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as helping people recover from disturbing life experiences and subsequent symptoms such as; depression, anxiety and more. EMDR treatment consists of desensitization and reprocessing of trauma memories. The role of Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) or Dual Attention Stimuli (DAS) […]


EMDR Therapy for Performance Enhancement

One of the most interesting and innovative uses of EMDR therapy has been in performance enhancement by decreasing fear, stress and anxiety related to performance. EMDR therapy helps the brain to think in a healthier, more adaptive way by removing blocks (such as negative self-beliefs) and helping the person to tap into his or her […]


What is A EMDR Therapy Session Like?

The 8 Phases of EMDR Therapy  *Adapted from F. Shapiro (2001) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing:  Basic principles, protocols and procedures (2nd edition) New York: Guilford Press.   1. In the first sessions, the client’s history and an overall treatment plan are discussed. During this process the therapist identifies and clarifies potential targets for EMDR. […]


Adjunctive EMDR Therapy

EMDR is a powerful supplement for traditional psychotherapy. I partner with therapists to help their clients resolve their traumatic material.  When painful feelings about a single incident continue to intrude or interfere with the progress in therapy, EMDR is helpful in resolving these issues. EMDR  is a powerful therapy that can help many people with […]


The Flash Technique for Trauma Healing

The Flash Technique was originated from EMDR and is a approach to reduce disturbing life events and distressing memories. The Flash Technique is a minimally intrusive intervention that does not require the client to consciously engage with the traumatic memory. This technique allows clients to process traumatic memories without feeling distress. It is useful in […]


Early Trauma Protocol (ETP) – Healing from Childhood Trauma

I have been trained to use a special EMDR protocol called the Early Trauma Protocol (ETP) by Katie Oshea M.S. and Sandra Paulsen Ph.D. to work with individuals who experienced childhood trauma and were abused and/or neglected in early childhood between the ages of birth to 3. When we experience abuse and or neglect before […]


Feeling State Addiction Protocol for Addiction Recovery

Addictions are created when a desired feeling and behavior become fixated together. For example, if the feeling of being a winner has become fixated with the behavior of gambling, the person gambles in order to feel like a winner. So when a intense desired feeling becomes linked with a positive event then a addictive fixation […]


Integrative Mental Health

We can no longer separate the mind and body. In order to have “good mental health” we must treat the whole person. Lemecia Lindsey is a Certified Mental Health Integrative Medicine Provider (CMHIMP). As a therapist she is looking for the root cause of my client’s emotional distress. From a trauma lens perspective, I am […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Motivation

Read about adaptogens for stress, the Limbic System, a poem to read and the power of being outside. This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Creativity

Learn about the brain, adaptogens to work with stress, the Integrative Mental Health Model, and explanation of EMDR in Spanish. This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of […]


COVID-19 Long Haulers and Mental Health

We are starting to hear about the lasting effects of COVID-19 for some patients. Terms to describe the ongoing effects have been coined by COVID patients and patient advocates. They include: Post COVID syndrome, Long COVID or COVID Long Haulers. These terms are used to describe the after effects of the COVID disease. Studies show […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Mindfulness

Change your physiology to feel better, causes of amnesia in childhood, excessive doing and busyness, six drive impacted by trauma, mindful bilateral stimulation and more in the blog below. This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” Self-Love and Relationships

Explore your inner critic, connect to Mother Earth to heal, podcast on childhood abuse and a Loving Kindness Meditation to your inner child. This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Intention

Learn more about meditation, dry brushing for dissociation, Epsom Salts baths, trauma recovery book and breathing techniques to regulate your nervous system. This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a […]


Gratitude Meditation

Gratitude meditation is a type of meditation that focuses on expressing gratitude for the things in your life. Take a few moments and allow yourself to get comfortable. Push play to listen to Lemecia Lindsey lead you through this meditation.                  


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Peace

Care for your spirit, move your body, dealing with trauma and PTSD, anxiety treatments and music. To learn more about how these topics can help reduce trauma and chronic stress then please continue reading… This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Gratitude

Gratitude meditation, breath work, Magnesium for sleep and stress reduction, cognitive self care and anxiety reducing foods are all discussed in this blog. This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Abundance

Foods of our ancestors, breathe better to feel better, neurofeedback, a mediation app and house plants. To learn more about how these topics can help reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress please read the blog below… This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Routines

Mask wearing, insomnia, grief, Post-Traumatic Growth and soothing with water. To learn more please read the blog below… This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Men’s Health

Get a daily dose of nature, replace coffee with Matcha Tea, a technique to reduce nightmares, work through hurts and a book to read. To learn more read below… This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Play

The theme for this month is Play. This blog highlights the following topics: Try new activities, Bilateral music, Good Mood Foods, benefits of strong social connections and What is Trauma from a experts point of view. Read more below… This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you […]


“Trauma Recovery Tips” for Restoration

Essential Oils, reduce or eliminate sugar, EMDR therapy, equanimity and write a top ten memory list. To learn more read below… This is a list of monthly “trauma recovery tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place […]


“Trauma Tips” for Motivation

Breathe, relationships, Circadian Rhythm,  vitamin deficiencies and tea. Read the blog below to learn more… This is a list of monthly “trauma tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope and happiness. Healing from […]


“Trauma Tips” for Creativity

This is a list of monthly “trauma tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope and happiness. Healing from trauma is a different process for each person. As a trauma-focused therapist I never tell […]


“Trauma Tips” for Mindfulness

This is a list of monthly “trauma tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope and happiness. Healing from trauma is a different process for each person. As a trauma-focused therapist I never tell […]


“Trauma Tips” for Self Love and Relationships

This is a list of monthly “trauma tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope and happiness. Healing from trauma is a different process for each person. As a trauma-focused therapist I never tell […]


“Trauma Tips” for Intention

This is a list of monthly “trauma tips” from a trauma specialist to help you reduce the effects of trauma and chronic stress on your life so you can live from a place of healing, hope and happiness. Healing from trauma is a different process for each person. As a trauma-focused therapist I never tell […]


Restore Your Brain and Improve Your Life with LENS Neurofeedback

Our brain wave activity effects how we feel, how we perform and how our bodies respond to stress. If our brain wave patterns are unhealthy it can result in a number of emotional and physical health issues.  The good news is that our brain is adaptable and neurofeedback can correct unhealthy brain wave patterns and […]


5 Ways Neurofeedback Can Optimize Your Brain for An Abundance of Emotional and Physical Health

Neurofeedback is a drug free, non-invasive, natural approach that helps individuals suffering with a variety of emotional and physical alignments including brain-based disorders. Some examples of what Neurofeedback can be helpful for includes: PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Post-Concussion Syndrome (TBI), Insomnia, Migraines, Brain Fog and Fatigue. We can experience, greater energy, focus, joy and vitality […]


Being PTSD- Podcast

In this episode we welcome back Lemecia Lindsey to talk about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. We break down how PTSD differs from other types of trauma, the history of PTSD, who is at risk for PTSD, symptoms, myths, and treatment options. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have […]


Being Mindful About Nutrition Helps to Optimize Your Mental Health

Our brain and body is connected. As research evolves, we are learning more and more about the importance of the food that we eat on our mental health. Science is showing that what we eat effects our brain. In fact, we are learning now that 90% of Serotonin is made in your gut. Serotonin helps […]


Emotional Intelligence for Men- 5 Ways to Improve Your Relationship

Emotion is the glue that holds relationships together. When partners feel close and safe with each other then they form an attachment. This bond is the foundation of a relationship. Emotions can pull couples closer to together or push them apart. Men sometimes struggle with the words to express how they are feeling and will […]


Transform the Realm of The Hungry Ghost with Self-Love and Trauma Recovery

In Buddhist philosophy, The Wheel of Life, is a Buddhist representation that encompasses the universe. There are 5-6 realms in this world view.  One of these realms is the, Hungry Ghost Realm. This is the realm of addiction where we constantly seek something outside of ourselves to make us feel better or give us relief. […]


What Dogs Can Teach Us About Gratitude

There is an old saying, “A dog is a man’s best friend”. Dogs truly are remarkable animals. They have a lot to teach us including; loyalty, kindness, unconditional love and protection. But one quality dogs can especially help us to learn is about how to practice gratitude. Here are five ways that dogs practice gratitude […]


Routines for Helping Cope with PTSD and Other Emotional Stressors

Experiencing PTSD or other emotional stressors is not fun! In fact, it is really hard. You might even feel like you are losing your mind or going insane. It may even be one of the hardest things that you will ever experience in your life. It is a condition that you want to take seriously […]


Do You Need Motivation and Support to Make a Change in Your Relationship?

Did you know that your relationship with your partner or spouse effects your health? Ask yourself these questions- Are you overeating or finding yourself not hungry? Do you find yourself depressed or overly anxious? Do you have frequent headaches stomach aches or feel chronic pain? Have you been diagnosed with hypertension? If so, you may […]


Being A Complex Trauma Survivor- PODCAST

Listen to Lemecia Lindsey,LICSW talk about Complex Trauma on the Being Un Normal Podcast.


Anxiety and Depression-It’s Not All in Your Head! VIDEO

Anxiety and depression can cause serious health issues and tremendous suffering and it is not talked about enough in America. Anxiety disorders are reaching epidemic proportions and are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting almost 20% of the adult population. Over 18 million other adults, 1 in 10 in the U.S. suffer […]


Journaling is a Creative Way to Heal, Create and Thrive

Journaling is a great way to get to know yourself, your inner world and to be able to explore your thoughts and feelings. If you have ever tried to meditate you have probably experienced what is called the “monkey brain.” No doubt you learned quickly that your mind is constantly thinking, problem solving and creating […]


10 Reasons to Try EMDR Therapy to Find Inner Peace

Are you or someone you love struggling with depression, anxiety or PTSD? Are you feeling intense fear that something bad is going to happen? Are you feeling fatigued, having unrelenting sadness, nightmares or flashbacks? Do you struggle with negative thoughts about yourself- perhaps thinking, “I’m bad, or unlovable”,” I‘m a failure or I’m incompetent?” If […]


Using Essential Oils is a Creative Way to Alleviate PTSD Symptoms

For centuries people have been using essential oils (natural substances extracted from plants and seeds), to heal the mind and body. The positive effect essential oils can have on us is amazing, and people with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) often find that aromatherapy can help them to manage their symptoms. A question you might […]


Helping Men Heal From Sex Addiction with EMDR Trauma Treatment

Sexual addiction can be devastating to the individual addict as well as to their spouse and family. Statistics show that 3-6% of the population or 17 to 37 million people suffer from sex addiction in the U.S.  And while women can be sex addicts research shows that most are primarily male. In fact, there are […]


Using EMDR Therapy to Restore Your Emotional Health After Childbirth

Are you experiencing trauma related to a birth? If so you are not alone and there is help for you! As many as 18% of all women experience trauma related to childbirth, one third of whom experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Yet despite its widespread nature, the experience of birth-related trauma can be an […]


Healing Your Child Parts Within to Increase Self-Love

The cry we hear from deep in our hearts, comes from the wounded child within. Healing this inner child’s pain will transform negative emotions. – Thich Nhat Hanh We all have inner parts of ourselves. The inner parts of ourselves create our personality. We have many aspects of our personality coming from these parts of […]


6 Ways of Using Intention to Heal Your Depression

20 million people suffer from depression in the US. Symptoms of depression include; sadness, loss of pleasure in activities you used to enjoy, change in weight, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, energy loss, feelings of worthlessness, thoughts of death or suicide. Depression and trauma go hand in hand. Many people who have experienced trauma have symptoms […]


EMDR for Firefighters Helps to Alleviate Stress and Increase Motivation

Emotional health should be looked at on par with physical health. If left untreated, conditions such as depression, post-traumatic stress, and anxiety are no less debilitating than diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease. Emotional stress can severely impact ones motivation at work and enjoyment of life. The good news is that stress related emotional issues can […]


Gratitude for First Responder’s and Their Families

It is always a great time to show gratitude and thankfulness to those heroes that work on a daily basis to keep our community and country safe. We know that if we need help a first responder will be there for us during our time of need. First responders put their lives on the line […]


3 Stages of Trauma Recovery to Find Inner Peace

Life can be beautiful, full of wonder, connection and love. But sometimes bad things happen that can overwhelm us, shock our systems and turn our natural survival response systems into overdrive. Trauma can shock the brain, stun the mind and freeze the body. Our bodies are designed to heal but sometimes the overwhelming experience of […]


16 Daily Love Routines to Keep Your Marriage Thriving

Yes, even adults need routines and especially couples. Creating daily routines gives couples a sense of security in their marriage. Rebuilding intimacy and maintaining connection won’t happen by itself. It takes effort. Rituals of connection strengthen relationships, and give couples something to look forward to each day. Daily rituals can also help to smooth over rough […]


Finding an Abundance of Self-Compassion in Trauma Recovery

What is self-compassion you might ask?  Sometimes to better understand self-compassion it is easier to think about what it is like to feel compassion to others. Think of the way you feel towards a friend, family member or colleague who is struggling in their life. Maybe they are having a hard time in a relationship, […]


5 Tips to Help Your Girlfriend Heal From Sexual Trauma

Women who have been sexually abused or raped often have difficulties in their closest and most intimate relationships.  The statistics for sexual assaults in the US is shocking!  One in five women will be raped at some point in their lifetime.  And one in four girls will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years […]


5 Little Known Facts about Trauma and Dissociation

Trauma and dissociation go hand in hand. Approximately 73% of individuals exposed to a traumatic incident will experience dissociative states during the incident or in the hours, days and weeks following the incident. To dissociate is a natural built in survival strategy that our body has to manage intense stress and fear. The dictionary defines […]


How to Restore Your Marriage by Understanding Your Attachment Style

Most parents do the best they can in their parenting abilities and styles. Most parents love their children and want to provide them with the best childhood they can. Many parents strive to be better parents then their parents were to them. Some lucky ones even try hard to be as great of a parent […]


An EMDR Trauma Therapists Guide to Self Care

If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete- The Buddha Self care is an act of love and compassion for oneself and it comes in many different forms. We can nourish our mind, body and spirit in the following ways: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, cultural, relational, recreational and vocational. Self care helps […]


Clean Out Your Trauma Closet-Do a Life Review with EMDR Therapy

Each year brings opportunities for new beginnings. When a new year begins many people see it as a way of starting fresh or starting over, a time of renewal, making resolutions or setting goals, or picking a word that symbolizes their intention for how they want to live in the coming year. A new year […]


How to Reduce Trauma with Mindfulness and EMDR Therapy

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness means to “Pay attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally”- Jon Kabat-Zinn. Mindfulness has been used for thousands of years in the East. With its growing popularity in the West, neuroscience research is reporting the positive effects of mindfulness on the brain. Research shows that […]


Make Peace with Your Past- The Effects of Your Childhood on Your Health

There is a link between childhood adversity and adult illnesses and disease and we now have research to prove it. The ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study is one of the largest scientific research studies of its kind, with over 17,000 mostly middle income Americans participating. The focus was to analyze the relationship between childhood trauma […]


Can Gratitude Help You Heal from Trauma?

Gratitude is a funny thing. It doesn’t always come easy for survivors of trauma and abuse. Gratitude is defined as a positive experience of thankfulness. Some people actually wonder why they don’t feel more gratitude after surviving a life threatening event such as a plane accident or being a victim of a crime. Sometime their […]


6 Tips for Better Sleep Routines to Reduce Trauma and Improve Mood

You probably have heard the saying that we are “creatures of habit”.  Our bodies crave routines and thrive off of rituals. Sleep is one of the most  crucial ways that our body recovers from stress and trauma. A good night’s sleep can positively affect our mood. People who have experienced trauma or PTSD commonly have […]


Restoring Wellness After Trauma With EMDR Therapy and Holistic Treatments

Trauma can rob ones sense of safety, joy and connection to themselves and the world around them. Restoring wellness after trauma can give a person a greater appreciation for life, connection to others, compassion to self and others and gratitude for meaningful life experiences. The road to recovery from trauma and chronic stress can be […]


The Power of Play for Trauma Survivors

Play is a powerful and natural part of life and an important part of person’s well being. Research shows not only the importance of play for children but for adults as well. Play is one of the earliest ways that we learn to engage with each other. When a child or adult is able to […]


There Are Other Guys Like You–Men and Sexual Abuse

Research shows that 1 in 6 men in the US have experienced sexual abuse before the age of 18. If this is you, then you are not alone. In fact, some studies show that this is a low estimate. Childhood sexual abuse of boys is not commonly talked about or even discussed. But it is […]


3 Ways that EMDR Can Help with Motivation

One of the most interesting and innovative uses of EMDR (Eye, Movement, Desensitization and  Reprocessing) therapy is in performance enhancement. Many people know or have heard that EMDR therapy is a highly effective, research based form of psychotherapy that helps people to heal from trauma and PTSD but few know that it can also be […]


Overcoming Depression With EMDR Therapy

Depression and trauma go hand in hand. Many people who have experienced trauma have symptoms of depression. When the body and mind are overwhelmed by a traumatic event its natural response is to shut down emotions and feelings…both good and bad. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a non-drug treatment that can help some people […]


EMDR Therapy for Children

Just like adults children can experience PTSD symptoms. EMDR therapy is successful in treating trauma survivors both young and old and is the most researched psychotherapeutic treatment for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). When a painful or upsetting experience happens, the memory of the experience sometimes stays “stuck” in the body and mind. Over time, the […]


Guts Over Fear-Healing From Rape with EMDR

It takes guts to overcome fear and heal from rape. Every hour 78 women are raped in the United States. Men and children are also victims of rape. In fact,1 in 33 men are sexually assaulted in their lifetimes. And over half of all rape victims know their attacker. Rape is a crime of power, […]


The Freeze Response To Trauma

The word freeze has now been added to fight or flight as a third response that can occur to both humans and animals during a threat for survival. For human beings, the freeze response can occur when we’re terrified and feel like there is no chance for our survival or no chance for escape. It […]


The Flight Response To Trauma

The flight or flee response to trauma is commonly see in the wild when a lion chases his prey. If the prey is lucky it will out run the lion and survive. As humans we too have the flight response when faced with a threat. When we are fearful of our lives or feel a […]


What No One Tells You About Trauma (Part II)

Trauma is not something that we like to think about , let alone talk about. Trauma itself is also commonly misunderstood leaving individuals who are affected by it to feel stigmatized, alone and not receive the assistance they need. In order to better help people with trauma we must understand that their reactions are normal […]


The Fight Response To Trauma

If our body and mind cannot move past a traumatic experience then we get stuck in a fight, flight or freeze mode.  The fight response is about survival and hope. We activate it when we believe there’s a chance we can outfight our attackers. The sympathetic branch activates the fight response. It tells the heart […]


Spending The Holidays With Family Members Who Abused You As a Child

During the holidays it can be difficult navigating family dynamics in healthy families but it is even more challenging for adult survivors of childhood abuse to spend the holidays with family members who have abused them. There are a variety of reasons why a survivor would spend the holidays with family members who abused them […]


3 Stages of Trauma Recovery to Find Peace

Below are the three stages of the recovery process for trauma that we follow as therapists at Vancouver EMDR Therapy. We use EMDR therapy in every phase of the recovery process whether it is helping to create safety and increasing inner resources or processing traumatic memories and strengthening new ways of experiencing self and others. […]


What No One Tells You About Trauma (Part I)

We are learning more about trauma all of the time. New research is giving us insights into the effects of trauma and the subsequent behaviors that people exhibit. The more that we know about trauma the more that we can help survivors, including give a voice to their experience. Below are some examples of what […]


The Worst Advice Given To People With Trauma

It is difficult to see someone you love or care about experience life changing trauma. The worst advice given to people with trauma is not usually done to hurt or cause pain but instead said out of desperation to help. Many people who haven’t experienced a major trauma event in their life are not prepared […]


10 Ways EMDR Therapy Helps Teens to Heal from Trauma

Here are 10 ways that EMDR therapy can help teens heal from trauma. EMDR therapy is effective and works fast-teenagers and their parents usually don’t want to commit to years of weekly therapy. Research shows that with single incident traumas EMDR therapy can resolve traumatic symptoms in a matter of 6-10 sessions. Teenagers need sleep […]


What to Look for in a Trauma Therapist

Many people wait months or even years before reaching out for help from a therapist. Survivors of trauma in particular can feel shame and be fearful to discuss the event. This often leads to them feeling hopeless believing that there isn’t anyone who can help them let alone understand what is happening to them. Feeling […]


EMDR Therapy for Seniors

Older men and women are faced with many challenges in their later life including; the death of a spouse, friends and relatives. They also face growing medical issues and life transitions which can lead to depression and anxiety. Also, when new trauma takes place in their life it can create a ‘domino effect’ reactivating old […]


Why Are Gay Men Avoidant of Therapy

There are many reasons why gay men may enter into therapy: coming out, internalized homophobia, substance abuse, health concerns, lack of support from family, feelings of isolation, and not feeling accepted within their own community. ( But many men have experiences that have dissuaded them from therapy. There are men who have had therapists that have […]


Emotional and Physical Regulation in Trauma Recovery

A key aspect for people experiencing trauma is difficulty with emotional and physical regulation. Clients with trauma often find themselves feeling overwhelmed and intensely emotional. They might feel out of control with intrusive body sensations or memories of traumatic events. They can also feel too low, shut down, disconnected from themselves and others. They can feel […]


A Veteran’s Guide to Coping with 4th of July and the Science of PTSD

A couple years back I was having a conversation with a family member about how triggering fireworks can be this time of year for people suffering from PTSD. He stated that, while sympathetic, he didn’t understand how someone could be startled or scared by the loud, sometimes shrill, sound of fireworks exploding if they logically […]
